03 November 2011

coffee with the 'sales diva'

another random post to preserve a moment.
it's always a great experience catching up with old friends. this particular friend i had coffee with last night was someone i wasn't particularly close to at the time we were working together 6 years ago (we were part of competing districts), but we've always been in touch. recent events have also brought us together and now we're finding ourselves talking like we've known each other forever.

of course we talked about work. past, present and future. and i learned a lot of things, directly and indirectly. i actually thought i'd write them down here before i forget.

- you will always want someone to treat you a certain way, but it doesn't mean that if they don't treat you the way you want them to, they don't like you. you have to understand where the other person is coming from and how he'll deliver a certain action to fully appreciate the gesture.
- never burn bridges, ever.
-remember the people you meet on your way up. you'll be meeting them too on your way down.
- control your feelings. mind over heart.
- one heart, one mind, one spirit. tired heart, tired mind, tired spirit.
- with money should come growth.
-it's fun exchanging stories with someone who's had international sales experience. the connection is unbelievable!
- compete with yourself. be better than you were. beat yourself.
- commit all your mistakes while you are young.
- always see the good in other people. when you are hurt by present negative circumstances concerning someone, go back to the good experiences you've had with them.
- look back for strength. surprise yourself with realizing how strong you were.
- fat bank accounts are an affirmation of how truly hardworking you were.
- it's okay to spend, but remember to save. if you haven't, start now.
- be careful what you wish for (e.g. a break) cos you just might get it.
- my, what 2 months could do to you physically!
- fitness always comes first!
- it's okay to say no to eat-all-you-can!
- it's a great feeling when someone you helped before still cites you as their mentor

etcetera, etctera, etctera ;)


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